Visceral fascial therapy
Visceral Fascial Therapy
Visceral fascial therapy is a holistic treatment approach that focuses on the connections between the organs (viscera) and the fascial network in the body. This therapy acknowledges that physical complaints often stem from tensions or imbalances in these connections. By relaxing the fascial structures and improving the functionality of the organs, the body can restore its self-healing ability.
How does it work?
During a session of visceral fascial therapy, I carefully examine the fascia, the connective tissue structure that surrounds and supports the organs. Using specific techniques and gentle manipulations, tensions and blockages in the fascia can be relieved. This promotes blood circulation, reduces pain, and enhances the overall function of the organs.
Benefits of Visceral Fascial Therapy
Who is it suitable for?
Visceral fascial therapy is suitable for everyone, from athletes to individuals suffering from chronic conditions. It is a safe and effective method for promoting well-being and alleviating symptoms.
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